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Welcome to pygmystack#

The pygmy stack is a container stack for local development.

It is a collaboration between:

Please see for more information

Why use pygmy?

  • Starting the necessary Docker Containers for your Docker Development Environment The pygmy stack is a container stack for local development, and pygmy is the main tool.

It's built to work with:

Quite a lot for such a small whale 🐳)

What pygmy will handle for you:

  • Starting the necessary Docker Containers for local development
  • If on Linux: Adds nameserver to your /etc/resolv.conf file, so that your local Linux can resolve * via the dnsmasq container
  • If on Mac with Docker for Mac: Creates the file /etc/resolver/ which tells OS X to forward DNS requests for * to the dnsmasq container
  • Tries to add the ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_rsa to the ssh-agent container (no worries if that is the wrong key, you can add more any time)
  • Starts a local mail Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) in order to test and view mails